Monday, May 20, 2013

Design Patterns for automation frameworks

Object Page and Factory Page

“Page Factory” is a patter that represents the UI as a Class. Also, the GUI will include some features. This pattern will provide a bridge between the page and the tests.

Here are the main advantages of Page Object Pattern using:

1) Simple tests and ordered
2) Good support to tests saved in one place.
3) Easy way to create new test cases. Test can be created by people without programming skills.

Implementing these patterns in a project: 

Object Page:

Page Factory

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Testers Skills

Roles had changed with the time, now we can find 3 different tester roles:

QA/QC Engineer: They will be in charge of creating and executing manual test. they will validate the external product quality. They will apply functional testing, Exploratory testing, etc.

Test Engineer: They will be charge of scripting test cases using some automation framework. they have some knowledge about programming (initial/intermediate). They could also apply some performance and security testing. 

Engineer in Test: They will be in charge of creating, designing, maintaining Automation frameworks. This role will require some programming skills and they validate the internal quality.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

GTAC 2013 - NYC

GTAC 2013 was definitely more than I expected. In Two days,they included more than 20 awesome presentations.

For my point of view, the best presentation was "Breaking the Matrix - Android Testing at Scale" by Thomas Knych (Google), Stefan Ramsauer (Google) and Valera Zakharov (Google).

Take a look at it and mainly to the parallel execution's tips.
There were many great presentations that we could review later.