Monday, April 8, 2013

Step 2: Customize your development process to provide support to automated testing.


The new tester role is more versatile and with a wide range of skills. Now, Testers have tasks along the sprint and they also program, yes!... as you heard, a tester programs as a common programmer (I don’t say developers as all participants in the team are part of the development so.. everyone is a developer: the BA, the Designer, the Tester, the Tech Writer and the Programmers).
New testers don’t need to be specialists in any language, the more languages they know, the better the solutions they will find. A good Engineer in testing should be able to adapt their knowledge according to the needs.

Programming Language Hall of Fame 
The hall of fame listing all "Programming Language of the Year" award winners is shown below. The award is given to the programming language that has the highest rise in ratings in a year. 

Let’s examine in greater depth the testers working in a team and their tasks distribution along the sprint.
(This process localizes tester tasks, it could be missing tasks for other roles).

Considering an Agile methodology, we could have previous, current and next sprints. Our Tester will have task related with each of these stages.

(To be continued...)

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