Sunday, June 30, 2013

Magento... Finally it's running!

Yeah! After some weeks of trying to setup Magento to use it as SUT for some test, I could install it. I used WAMP 2.4 (64 bits) and Magento 1.7

Mainly I faced with 2 issues:
1) "php_curl" must be loaded.
2) "database server does not support InnoDB storage engine"

First Issue ""php_curl" must be loaded":

The first scenario was the most complex, because I tried all possible solution that I found in internet but without succeeding.

The first issue was solved removing the ";" manually at this line:


of the files located at:


But ... I also needed to add these lines to both php.ini files:


Then, restart all WAMP services. So.. First issue solved!

Second issue "database server does not support InnoDB storage engine":

This was the fix that should be added to www\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Install\Model\Installer\Db\Mysql4.php, after:

$variables  $this->_getConnection()
fetchPairs('SHOW VARIABLES');

Apply this fix, then restart all services and lunch again the Magento installation
This is the fix:

// Fix
        if (!isset($variables['have_innodb'])) {
$this->_getConnection()->fetchPairs('SHOW ENGINES');
                return (isset(
$engines['InnoDB']) && ($engines['InnoDB'== 'DEFAULT' || $engines['InnoDB'== 'YES'));
// End fix

Now. Enjoy Magento E-commerce.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hackathon agile Mendoza 2013

Finally Mendoza had its first Hackathon last week in GlobalLogic Mendoza offices.
People sharing their knowledge with just one goal: Make a social application for the World.

After 1 hr debating different ideas we decided to create one application for bus transportation. The name was Busk. 
Initially, the users will be in charge of recording the bus routes once they take the bus, as soon as more users join the project, more routes will be in the system.

BusK is a social application for mobile. This app provides you the bus routes in your town being the users who save them. Some features included in Busk will help to determine which line will take you to your target in less time.
Busk will provide the nearest bus stop to take the bus according to your actual position, in a future, it will calculate the STA (Schedule Time of Arrival) and the time you need to wait for the bus. Once in the bus, Busk will inform you when you should leave the bus to reach your target.

Beers, Food and drinks ready!  ... Go!

We continue developing the app, everyone is welcome to help :)


F /BusK.transporte 
T @busktransporte

Friday, June 7, 2013

Testers working in an Agile Team goes to Scrum Alliance

The Scrum Alliance is a non-profit professional membership organization created to share the Scrum framework and transform the world of work. I just posted an article about testers in agile teams. Take a look at my article :)