Sunday, June 30, 2013

Magento... Finally it's running!

Yeah! After some weeks of trying to setup Magento to use it as SUT for some test, I could install it. I used WAMP 2.4 (64 bits) and Magento 1.7

Mainly I faced with 2 issues:
1) "php_curl" must be loaded.
2) "database server does not support InnoDB storage engine"

First Issue ""php_curl" must be loaded":

The first scenario was the most complex, because I tried all possible solution that I found in internet but without succeeding.

The first issue was solved removing the ";" manually at this line:


of the files located at:


But ... I also needed to add these lines to both php.ini files:


Then, restart all WAMP services. So.. First issue solved!

Second issue "database server does not support InnoDB storage engine":

This was the fix that should be added to www\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Install\Model\Installer\Db\Mysql4.php, after:

$variables  $this->_getConnection()
fetchPairs('SHOW VARIABLES');

Apply this fix, then restart all services and lunch again the Magento installation
This is the fix:

// Fix
        if (!isset($variables['have_innodb'])) {
$this->_getConnection()->fetchPairs('SHOW ENGINES');
                return (isset(
$engines['InnoDB']) && ($engines['InnoDB'== 'DEFAULT' || $engines['InnoDB'== 'YES'));
// End fix

Now. Enjoy Magento E-commerce.

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